Micro-mobility business model for alleviating overtourism problems in European and Russian urban areas

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At the current stage of the development of micro-mobility technologies and business models, especially scooter sharing that appeared in North America and Europe in the last two years, it is already possible to consider with a high degree of certainty at least some mobility transformation opportunities for the tourism sector. The widespread use of electric scooter sharing can be instrumental and very efficient in alleviating problems of overtourism, as new configurations are emerging in terms of the coverage (catchment) area and thematic combinatorics of tourist and excursionist visitations, and, quite apparently, better accessibility of secondary and tertiary attractions of cities. Micro-mobility, which includes different types of means of individual mobility, becomes not only an additional transportation factor of tourist visits, but also a fundamentally innovative and progressive “transformer of experiences”, which allows efficiently disperse tourist and excursionist flows across wider areas of tourist destinations...


Sharing economy, digital platform, digital transformation, sharing, business model, electric scooter, micro-mobility, means of individual mobility, uberization, sustainable tourism, responsible tourism, overtourism, sightseeing route, urban mobility


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140244603

IDR: 140244603   |   DOI: 10.24411/1995-0411-2019-10402

Список литературы Micro-mobility business model for alleviating overtourism problems in European and Russian urban areas

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