Method for determining the quality of cable inlets sealant using infrared thermography

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He results of applying the quality control method to cable inlets sealant (hermetic lead, sealed lead-in, cable boxes) have been considered. Cable inlets are designed to prevent the spread of fire in adjacent areas through cable sealing boxes, e. g. on sea vessels. The known methods for determining the quality of cable inlets sealant are laborious and in some cases even impossible to implement when used on sea vessels. This applies to cases when the room through which the cables pass is being poured with water and some pressure stipulated by the ship specifications is being created there, or when the air pressure increases in such rooms. The novelty of the present method lies in the fact that it is based on the principles of pulsed thermal non-destructive testing of a material. The FLUKE thermovision camera Ti400 has been used as a technical means recording the temperature field of the sealant surface after exposure to a thermal pulse. The method approbation has indicated that thermal non-destructive testing can be used to detect relatively small penetration defects in the sealant volume.


Sealant quality control method, cable inlets, defect, thermal pulse method, infrared thermography

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IDR: 142217115   |   DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2018-21-4-632-637

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