Linguistic and phenomenological cognitive structures as a reflection of the sending organization of the mathematical text

Автор: Gilovaya Elena

Журнал: Сервис plus @servis-plus

Рубрика: Языковые нормы и цифровая реальность

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.15, 2021 года.

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The purpose of this article is to study issues related to the semantic organization of texts in higher mathematics. The appeal to the perception of the text in the specialty clearly demonstrates the mechanisms of assimilation of new information by the human consciousness. The methods used in the process of studying perception are based on the theoretical positions and concepts of cognitive linguistics. The study of the meaning of an educational text is based on the concept of a cognitive structure, an indivisible and non-separable unit in which the collapsed knowledge and/or idea of the world is stored. When new information is perceived, the incoming information is compared with the cognitive structures available in a person’s long-term memory, and the incoming information is «recognized». This set of cognitive structures forms the cognitive base of a person. Being a certain way organized set of necessary knowledge, the base of cognitive structures is not homogeneous. On the one hand, there are cognitive structures that underlie human knowledge about language, about the laws of speech construction in a given language (linguistic cognitive structures of LCS). On the other hand, there are cognitive structures that form knowledge about phenomena of an extralinguistic nature, that is, in our case, subject knowledge in mathematics (phenomenological cognitive structures of the FCS). On the basis of the concepts of linguistic and phenomenological cognitive structures, the question of the relationship and opposition of the mechanisms of formation of linguistic and special knowledge in humans is investigated. The use of concepts from the field of cognitive linguistics allows us to consider not only the question of the organization of a special mathematical text, but also to draw more extensive conclusions about the cognitive grounds for contrasting humanitarian and mathematical texts in general. In addition, the analysis of this material allows us to present a classification of linguistic cognitive structures necessary for the perception of a Russian mathematical text. The use of theoretical material from the field of cognitive linguistics has great explanatory power and contributes to the understanding of the semantic organization of a mathematical text. In addition, the results of this study help to understand the process of practical mastering of students of the Russian language, which allows successfully solve not only theoretical but also practical challenges facing international students studying mathematical texts in Russian.


Cognitive base, linguistic cognitive structure, phenomenological cognitive structure

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140254463   |   DOI: 10.24412/2413-693X-2021-2-45-50

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