Complex phytopacterial treatment of experimental toxic hepatitis affected by dysbiosis

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The article presents the results of work on investigation of the efficacy of a complex phyto- bacterial agent in suppression of the large intestine pathogenic flora of white rats and normalization of the morphological and functional state of the liver in treating for experimental toxic hepatitis. Probably the hepatoprotective effect of this agent conditioned by the combined effect of biologically active substances of rose hips extract, metabolic activity of bifidobacteria and sorption, catalytic and antioxidant properties of natural zeolite. Presumably, the tested complex agent has positive effect on the morphological state, physiological functions and biochemical reactions either directly participating in the metabolism of cells of the corresponding organs and tissues, or indirectly through regulation of the functioning of biofilms on the mucous membranes.


Morphology of animals, toxic hepatitis, natural medicines

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148316870

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