Kinetic patterns and optimization of the process of concentration by freezing the blood of cattle

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The urgency of the use of blood components as a raw material for the production of products from it that contribute to the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency states is beyond doubt. In addition, protein compounds in the blood of cattle have a high digestibility of the human body, and the complex of essential amino acids determines its attractiveness as an additive in the development of a wide range of meat products. The only possible way at present to thicken thermo labile blood compounds is cryoconcentration, carried out in a temperature range close to the cryoscopy temperature. The kinetic features of cryoconcentration of cattle blood were investigated on an experimental apparatus of cyclic action. It is shown that the conditions of cryoconcentration are determined by the boiling point of the refrigerant in the evaporator of the installation, the flow rate of the original blood washing the heat exchange surface and the content of soluble compounds in the initial liquid...


Blood of large livestock, kinetics, freeze concentration

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140244248   |   DOI: 10.20914/2310-1202-2018-4-12-18

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