Статьи журнала - Re-health journal

Все статьи: 501

10 yoshli bolada qorinchalarning erta qo`zg`aluvchanlik sindromi (WPW turi) hodisasi

10 yoshli bolada qorinchalarning erta qo`zg`aluvchanlik sindromi (WPW turi) hodisasi

Kholmatov Davronbek Neymatovich

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Ushbu maqolada 10 yoshli bolada qorinchalarning erta qo'zg'aluvchanlik sindromi (WPW turi) hodisasi ko'rib chiqiladi.


Acute респираторy distress syndrome: new approaches for COVID-19

Acute респираторy distress syndrome: new approaches for COVID-19

Sodikova Dilrabokhan Tozhidinovna

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Severe Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a viral pneumonia from SARS-CoV-2 infection (severe acute респираторy syndrome coronavirus 2), leading to acute респираторy distress syndrome (ARDS). Its manifestations can be considered as a combination of two processes, namely viral pneumonia and ARDS. Along with other serious coronavirus infections SARS and MERS, which also cause SARS, COVID-19 is a constant global threat, as this family of viruses can mutate and infect non-immunized populations.


Allstone disease among the elderly population

Allstone disease among the elderly population

Usmonov Husniddin Kutbinovich, Salahidinov Sarvarjon Zainabidinovich, Usmonov Elrbek Ilkhomovich

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Gallstone disease is a very common digestive system disease among the population of the planet. It is especially common in the elderly population and women (Figure 1). This article discusses in detail the importance of this disease among the elderly.


Anthropometric indicators of school children aged 7-10

Anthropometric indicators of school children aged 7-10

Nazirjonov Orifxoja, Ubaydullayev Rustam Latipovich, Abduvorisova Sarvinoz, Nuryogdiyeva Mushtari

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Physical development is understood as a set of morphological and functional features depending on hereditary factors and environmental conditions. Hereditary factors and environmental conditions can change the process of physical development in a positive or negative way. Physical development reflects the processes of growth and development of the organism at certain stages of ontogenesis with the phenotypic manifestation of genotypic data under the influence of environmental factors.


Antibiotikka turg‘unlikning aktual masalalari va pediatriyadagi kombinatsion antibakterial terapiya muammolari

Antibiotikka turg‘unlikning aktual masalalari va pediatriyadagi kombinatsion antibakterial terapiya muammolari

Eshonxo'jayev Olimjon Odilovich, Musayeva Dilfuza Mahmudova

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Mikroorganizmlarning antibakterial preparatlarga nisbatan turg‘unliligini (ya’ni, chidamliligini) ortib borishi, bugungi kun jahon sog'liqni saqlash hamjamiyati uchun ulkan bir muammoga aylanib qoldi. Soʻnggi yillarda oʻtkazilgan farmakoepidemiologik tadqiqotlar natijasi shuni koʻrsatmoqdaki, antibiotiklarga rezistentlik darajasi oʻzining eng yuqori choʻqqilariga chiqib, klinik amaliyotda hali keng qoʻllanilmagan yangi dori vositalarigacha tarqalib bormoqda. Ushbu muammoga jiddiy e'tibor qaratmaslik nafaqat tibbiy, balki og‘ir ekologik oqibatlarni keltirib chiqarish xavfini paydo qil‘ldi.


Artificial ventilation apparatus

Artificial ventilation apparatus

Abdunabieva Hakima, Umarova Muhabbat, Abdurahimov Abdukhalim, Nugmanov Ozodbek

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Ventilation apparatus for artificial respiration includes a high frequency ventilator and an intermediate positive pressure ventilator. The high frequency oscillation ventilator is connected to a breathing gas source to supply oxygen to the patient at a predetermined high frequency. In addition, an intermediate positive pressure ventilator is connected to the respiratory gas source to supply respiratory gas to the patient circuit at a predetermined frequency. Currently, the demand for these devices is growing worldwide.


Aspects of ultrasonic diagnostics of chronic thyroiditis

Aspects of ultrasonic diagnostics of chronic thyroiditis

Mardieva Gulshod Mamatmuradovna, Urinboeva Dilyafruz Sunatullaevna, Shukurova Laziza Borisovna, Giyasova Nigora Kobilovna

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The results of an echographic study of patients with chronic thyroiditis were studied. Depending on the volume of the thyroid gland, all patients were divided into 3 groups (hypertrophic form, atrophic form, with normal volume). The study of the echostructure of the thyroid gland in autoimmune inflammation made it possible to distinguish types of changes in the gland tissue and indicators of linear blood flow velocities of varying severity. In thyroiditis, pathognomonic decreased echogenicity of the parenchyma and linear hyperechoic inclusions. In hyperechoic structures, the parenchyma is replaced by connective tissue. In the hypertrophic form of chronic thyroiditis, there is a significant increase in linear blood flow velocities by a factor of two, in the atrophic form - a decrease in the peak systolic and end diastolic blood flow velocities, in patients with a normal gland volume in a state of hypo- and euthyroidism, there are no significant changes in thyroid blood flow.


Assessment and comparative characteristics of physical development of preschool children by regions

Assessment and comparative characteristics of physical development of preschool children by regions

Nazirjonov Orifxoja, Ubaydullayev Rustam Latipovich, Abdumuxtarova Madinabonu Zafarovna, Ibragimova Xurshidabonu Zafarovna

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A comprehensive assessment of the physical development of children requires extensive comprehensive examination using various methods, taking into account the individual characteristics of the younger generation. In assessing the physical development of children, it is generally accepted that it is necessary to take into account not only regional characteristics, but also the type of Housing (city, village). The nature of the interaction of climatogeographic and socio-economic factors in urban and rural areas is not the same, therefore, children who live permanently in rural areas may differ from urban children in terms of their physical health, somatic indicators and functional characteristics.


Atherosclerosis: a socio-economic challeng of our time and ways to improve public health

Atherosclerosis: a socio-economic challeng of our time and ways to improve public health

Don Andrei Nikolaevich, Kakharov Zafar Abdurakhmanovich, Artykov Jahangir Jurabaevich

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The paper studies the effect of triterpene herbal preparations on the experimental atherosclerosis. The area of the aortic lesions with atherosclerosis under the influence of ladylginoside was 12 times less than the control figures. Leontoside showed a similar effect, but to a lesser extent - 4.2 times, and dipsacoside - 3.2 times. Thus, we can conclude that ladyginoside is the most active of the three preparations studied, followed by leontoside and dipsacoside concludes the three. It should be noted that all three drugs have a pronounced antiatherosclerotic effect on the morphogenesis of experimental atherosclerosis.


Bolalarda bilak suyagi boshchasining eskirgan chiqishlarini jarrohlik usulida davolashda patogenetik yondashuv

Bolalarda bilak suyagi boshchasining eskirgan chiqishlarini jarrohlik usulida davolashda patogenetik yondashuv

O‘rinboyev Paizilla O‘rinbaevich, Eranov Sherzod Nuralievich, Eranov Nurali Fayzievich

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Bilak suyagi boshchasining chiqishlari bilan davolangan 83 nafar bemorlar davolash natijalarining taxlili keltirilgan. Uzuksimon boylamani tiklashda bo’g’im kapsulasi hamda uzilgan uzuksimon boylam elementlaridan foydalanilgan bo’lib, ushbu usul tirsak bo’g’imi uchun anatomo-fiziologik hisoblanadi. Natijalarni baxolashda 5 ballik tizimda tirsak bo’g’imi funktsiyasi va qo’lning normal o’qi inobatga olindi (P.O’.O’rinboyev 1995). Yaxshi va a’lo natijalar 6, 12 oydan so’ng (4-5 ball) 56 bemorda (57,4%), qoniqarli natijalar (3 ball) 26 bemorda (31,3%) kuzatildi.


Bolalarda o’tkir ichak infektsiyalarini davolash usullari

Bolalarda o’tkir ichak infektsiyalarini davolash usullari

Arzibekov A.G., Umarova M.A., Arzibekova U.M.

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Maqola pediatriyada eng jiddiy muammolardan biri — o'tkir ichak infektsiyalariga bag'ishlangan. Maqolada o’tkir ichak infektsiyalarini reabilitatsiyasi, antibakterial terapiya, yordamchi terapiya — davolash masalalari batafsil ko'rib chiqiladi. Yuqumli diareya bo'lgan bolalarning dietasi bo'yicha tavsiyalar berilgan.


Bolalik davridagi vesta sindromning klinikaning xususiyatlari, birinchi darajali qiyosiy terapiyasining kursi va samaradorligini baholash

Bolalik davridagi vesta sindromning klinikaning xususiyatlari, birinchi darajali qiyosiy terapiyasining kursi va samaradorligini baholash

Muxtorjonova Husnigul Nodirbek qizi

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Vesta sindrom (CV) – bu erta bolalik davridagi ogʻir epileptik ensefalopatiya boʻlib, u tutilishning oʻziga xos turi – infantil spazmlar (is), psixomotor rivojlanish regressiyasi va giparitmiya deb nomlanuvchi xarakterli elektroensefalografik (EEG) rasm bilan tavsiflanadi. Aholining Vesta sindromi bilan kasallanish darajasi 2000-4000 tirik tugʻilgan chaqaloqqa 1 ni tashkil qiladi, bemorlarning 90 foizida hayotning birinchi yilida alomatlar rivojlanadi. Koʻpgina hollarda, infantil spazmlarning namoyon boʻlishining eng yuqori yoshi 6-7 oyni tashkil qiladi; 18 oydan keyin kasallikning boshlanishi kamdan-kam uchraydi, garchi adabiyotda kasallikning 4 yoshida boshlanishi haqida xabarlar mavjud. Usbu maqolada bolalarda koʻp uchraydigan va hozirgi kun tibbiyotining dolzarb muammosi boʻlgan Vesta sindromi haqida maʻlumot berilgan.


COVID-19 and vitamins: prevention and treatment of the disease

COVID-19 and vitamins: prevention and treatment of the disease

Ergasheva Zumrad Abdukayumovna

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During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in health data (correct and incorrect). Many have switched to using vitamins and supplements to fight the virus. In this article, we analyze clinical analysis for vitamins and supplements in the treatment and prevention of COVID-19 infections.


COVID-19 klinik ko'rinishlarida renin-angiotenzin-aldosteron tizimining tarkibiy qismlarining roli

COVID-19 klinik ko'rinishlarida renin-angiotenzin-aldosteron tizimining tarkibiy qismlarining roli

Xegay Lyubov Nikolaevna, Sayfullaeva Saida Akramjonovna, Abdurahimov Abduxalim Xoliddin Ugli

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Maqolada COVID-19 va renin-angiotensin-aldosteron tizimining o'rtasidagi munosabat tahlil qilingan. Renin-angiotensin-aldosteron tizimi inson fiziologiyasida muhim rol o'ynaydigan vazoaktiv peptidlarning elegant kaskadi hisoblanadi.


COVID-19 и его осложнения

COVID-19 и его осложнения

Абдурахимов Абдухалим Холиддин, Хегай Любовь Николаевна, Юсупова Шахноза Кадиржановна

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COVID-19 способен вызывать тяжелые осложнения со стороны сердца, легких, мозга, почек, сосудов и других жизненно важных систем и органов человека. Хотя COVID-19 и относится к респираторным инфекциям, врачи признают: заболевание это мультисистемное, проще говоря, оно может задеть любой орган. И сталкиваются с его последствиями все врачи — от очевидных пульмонологов до трихологов и психиатров. Многие пациенты даже после выздоровления от COVID-19 жалуются на здоровье. Жалобы самые разные — от выпадения волос до тромбоза. Таким образом, в этой статье мы обсуждаем осложнения после заражения коронавирусом.


COVID-19 и сердечно-сосудистая система

COVID-19 и сердечно-сосудистая система

Эргашева Зумрад Абдукаюмовна

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COVID-19зачастую возникает у больных с различными сердечно-сосудистыми факторами риска и сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями (ССЗ), которые могут оказать влияние на течение инфекционного процесса. С другой стороны, при COVID-19, возможно дополнительное повреждение сердца и сосудов, способствующее возникновению сердечно- сосудистых осложнений и утяжелению течения ССЗ.


COVID-19: патогенез и возможные решения проблемы (обзор литературы)

COVID-19: патогенез и возможные решения проблемы (обзор литературы)

Абдурахимов Абдухалим, Эргашева Зумрад, Нугманов Озодбек, Усманов Хумоюн

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В статье рассмотрены возможные пути лечения коронавирусной инфекции исходя из её патогенеза.


Characteristics of comorbidity of cardiological patients in the conditions of a multidiscipline hospital

Characteristics of comorbidity of cardiological patients in the conditions of a multidiscipline hospital

Niyazov Zafar Mukimovich, Abdurakhmanov Muhyiddin Ganievich, Dauletbaev Bakhtiyar Kochkarovich, Sattarov Oyatillo Khayatillo, Yuldashev Rafikzhan Numanovich

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The results of the study prove the need for a comprehensive assessment of the condition of a patient with CHF as a whole. This is due to the more severe clinical course of CHF, worsening prognosis, as well as a decrease in QOL and personal characteristics of patients with CHF against the background of comorbidity. The features of the clinical course of CHF revealed depending on the level of comorbidity should be taken into account when choosing the tactics of examination and treatment of patients with CHF. The greatest concern is caused by patients with unsatisfactory adherence to treatment, who are targets for corrective work in a therapeutic practice. Determination of the degree of comorbidity, which makes it possible to predict the risk of death in patients with CHF, makes it possible to distinguish categories of patients requiring special attention, both in outpatient, multidisciplinary and inpatient treatment.


Clinical and morphological aspects of predicting bone metastases in patients with breast cancer

Clinical and morphological aspects of predicting bone metastases in patients with breast cancer

Tylokova Mushtari Bakhodirovna, Amanov Akmaljon Karimjon Ugli, Subkhanov Ulugbek Zhurakulovich, Karimova Mavluda Nematovna, Yuldasheva Aziza Nodirjonovna, Esankulova Bustonoy Sobirovna, Nizamova Iqbola Bakhtir Kizi

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The incidence of breast cancer is increasing worldwide. According to WHO, more than 1.4 million cases of cancer of this localization are detected annually in the world, of which almost 3000 in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Metastatic cancer is characterized by proliferation of tumor cells in various organs and tissues. In 50 to 70% of patients, already upon admission, they have advanced forms of the disease (locally widespread forms, in the form of lesions of regional lymph nodes and distant metastases to various organs). The nature and frequency of distant metastases of breast cancer are very diverse. In 40-80% of cases, breast cancer metastasizes to the bone. BC spreads to the bone in 70% of cases in the form of distant metastases. BC metastases to the spine, ribs, pelvis, and proximal limbs. These lesions are more often osteoblastic, but can be osteolytic, with poor margination, lack of matrix, and cortical destruction. Other manifestations may also include spinal compression fractures and cysts as a result of osteoarthritis caused by a tumor.


Comorbidal pathology in cardiological practice

Comorbidal pathology in cardiological practice

Yuldashev Rafikzhan Numanovich, Kasimova Nurkhan Juraevna, Abdurakhmanov Muhyiddin Ganievich, Tursunova Markhabokhan Abdulmajit, Ganieva Zulaiho Vohidovna

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Over the past decades, foreign researchers have made numerous attempts to quantitatively assess the clinical and prognostic significance of comorbid pathology in patients. For this purpose, a number of indices and systems have been developed. The need to create the first domestic Clinical Guidelines for comorbid pathology is associated with a number of current trends in modern domestic health care.

