Issues of state regulation of social tourism: international and Russian experience

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The analysis of the issues of tourism state regulation as a socio-economic system, the part of which is social tourism, comprises the approaches of foreign and Russian authors, the identification of opportunities and limitations, as well as the specific features of the author's observation. An integrated approach to the regulation of tourism and tourism policy defines the mutual interaction of various policy areas on tourism, communications and relations, as well as the socio-economic efficiency assessment emphasizing the importance of social characteristics and indicators, which will provide a synergistic effect and sustainability of tourism. The key po-litical issue in tourism management is how to respond to current global economic and social challenges while staying competitive in the context of sustainable development. The government is required to maintain a balance in public administration and market relations, and, if necessary, adjust its activities to ensure the development of tourism and its reliability. At the same time, the focus should be on social efficiency and environmental sustainability, which transfers the vector of research to territories and regional formations. As a result, it is important to take into account real world trends and Russian conditions, combining market and government regulation and public-private partnership and public regulation while forming a tourism regulation model, including social tourism.


Integrated approach, tourism system, socio-economic indicators, touristic policy, management efficiency, synergy

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IDR: 140253776   |   DOI: 10.24411/1995-042X-2020-10507

Список литературы Issues of state regulation of social tourism: international and Russian experience

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