Investigation of applying a fireproofing composition as part of an oiling agent in the production of fire-resistant threads

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Work is devoted to the study of the stability of the oiling agent in the form of a composition of emulsol IS-2 with the addition of a fire-bio-proofing composition "Fukam" and its resistance to delamination as well as the possibility of using such a composition in the production of Arselon fiber both to reduce the coefficient of friction, eliminate electrification, and to obtain the fireproofing properties of threads and fabrics produced from them. As a result of the research, it was established: - When the fire-bio-proofing composition "Fukam" was added to the IS-2 lubricant in the volumes recommended by the developer, a high stability of the composition was revealed after testing it in accordance with GOST 29188.3; - The effectiveness of the resulting composition for reducing the coefficient of friction, eliminating electrization when obtaining a complex yarn from the fiber "Arselon"; - The possibility of increasing the fireproofing properties of threads and fabrics produced from them has been experimentally confirmed when they are treated with IS-2 lubricant with a fireproofing composition "Fukam" in the composition; - It has been proven that in order to increase the fire resistance of fabrics, special attention should be paid to the removal of accompanying and auxiliary substances applied to the fiber during its production. The presence of a lubricant without a fireproofing composition in the recipe can reduce the oxygen index value, that is, contribute to combustion due to the residues of its components in the finished fabric.


Oiling agent, fireproofing composition, fabric arcelon, oxygen index

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142231200   |   DOI: 10.24412/2079-7958-2021-1-107-114

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