Investigation of the effect of beef moisture content on the amount of bound moisture with the calorimetric method

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With the development of food processing and storage at near-cryoscopic temperatures, more and more attention is being paid to the development of methods for frozen out moisture and cryoscopic temperature calculating based on their component composition data. There is a significant dispersion among the existing experimental data of various researchers and calculation methods for beef thermophysical properties. In the study given, the authors determined the enthalpy of phase transitions, beet heat capacity with different moisture content and its cryoscopic temperature with the method of differential scanning calorimetry. With the analysis of the phase transitions enthalpy, it was found out that the share of non-freezing water for beef is n = 0.35 (g of water per 1 g of dry matter). The presence of the vitreous phase in the temperature range of about -85 С was established, most noticeably manifested when the moisture content of the samples is w = 37-45.8%, which indicates the formation of amorphous solutions in the process of food products freezing...


Beef, phase transition, moisture content, outfrozen water, cryoscopic temperature

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IDR: 140244271   |   DOI: 10.20914/2310-1202-2018-4-25-29

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