Information security Russian Federation: questions of preparation of military university courses

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Introduction. The article is devoted to the problematic issues of training cadets of military universities of Russia to ensure information security, which against the background of the aggravation of the international military-political situation, is considered as an essential direction in ensuring national security. Methods. The essence and content of the basic concepts on the topic are clarified. Certain issues of professional and moral-psychological training of cadets in the process of training cadets at a military university are considered. Results. The author’s definition of “vigilance in ensuring information security” is given. The analysis of the process of raising vigilance in ensuring information security for future officers is carried out. Evidence is presented that the successful solution of these problems requires the use of the positive features that a military university has as an educational institution, and the education of a future officer as a subject of military service requires focused and multifaceted professional training, taking into account the specifics of military professional activity, its high social responsibility. Findings. It is concluded that the issue of raising vigilance in ensuring the information security of cadets in the process of professional and moral-psychological training at a military university is of high socio-political importance. The prospects for the qualitative characteristics of the officer corps of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops of military units and bodies will largely depend on its successful solution.


Vocational training, military university, vigilance in ensuring information security

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IDR: 149124992

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