Improvement of institutional provision of development and implementation of regional cluster policy

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The author believes that from the point of view of the institutional approach the regional cluster policy is a significant factor of the overcoming of the effect of the “path dependence” in the cluster formation of the regional economy in the whole. The engendering and development of regional clusters depend on many factors which develop evolutionary including the maneuver contributing to the success of the cluster initiative. The article proves that the most typical challenges for the regions in the cluster creation process in the Russian Federation in the institutional sphere are: domination of a formal logic of the exogenous model in the regional clusters’ formation; disregard of the role of informal clusters and protocluster nets; poor consideration of the importance of intercluster interaction and external stakeholders; insufficient attention of cluster managers to the institutional development and marketing of the cluster identity. The author emphasizes that the transfer to a new model of regional cluster policy which is observed in the leading regions of the world is connected with the rejection of a mono industrial and a mono technological approach and is determined by a transfer to inter industrial cooperation of cluster participants, technological convergence principle (integration of various technological regions) and platform self organization (open multicultural interaction within a common subject of the cluster initiative)...


Sustainable development, regional clusters, protocluster nets, mono industrial approach, mono technological approach, defect focused approach, collaboration, coevolution

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IDR: 149131263   |   DOI: 10.15688/re.volsu.2018.3.3

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