Статьи журнала - Вестник ВолГУ. Серия: История. Регионоведение. Международные отношения

Все статьи: 1645

"Терское войско собственными руками вычистило родные станицы от заразы": горско-моздокские полки в рядах всюр в начале 1919 года

"Терское войско собственными руками вычистило родные станицы от заразы": горско-моздокские полки в рядах всюр в начале 1919 года

Гагкуев Руслан Григорьевич, Шилова Светлана Геннадьевна

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Статья рассказывает о создании Горско-Моздокских полков Терского казачьего войска в начале 1919 г. и их последующем участии в боевых действиях. Приведен краткий обзор историографии по данному вопросу, сформулирована важность дальнейшего изучения истории Терского казачьего войска в годы Гражданской войны и публикации исторических источников. Во вступительной части подробно рассказывается об обстоятельствах призыва терских казаков в ряды Вооруженных сил Юга России (ВСЮР), возникших в связи с мобилизацией сложностях (отсутствием достаточного количества офицеров, некомплект личного состава, отсутствие необходимого вооружения и эпидемии тифа). В публикации вводится в научный оборот недоступный ранее исторический источник - приказ атамана Моздокского отдела Терского казачьего войска есаула С.Н. Портянко от 17 января 1919 г. о начале мобилизации и создании казачьих полков. На примере приказа видны чрезвычайно оптимистические расчеты казачьего командования на поддержку населения и соответствующие результаты мобилизации. Реальность показала невозможность быстрой реализации планов командования с учетом ситуации в казачьих станицах. Документ показывает готовность казачьего командования мобилизовать все силы для достижения победы в борьбе с советской властью. При подведении итогов указано, что Терское казачье войско в годы Гражданской войны в своем большинстве выступило противником советской власти и дало немалые пополнения ВСЮР. Несмотря на указанные сложности, связанные с обстановкой в регионе, в войске в целом успешно проходило формирование казачьих полков, выдвинутых вскоре на фронт. Усилия Терского казачьего войска для борьбы с советской властью в 1919-1920 гг. характеризуются чрезвычайным напряжением сил для победы в войне. После эвакуации ВСЮР с Черноморского побережья в Крым терские казаки, лишившиеся возможности пополнения, были включены в состав других белых частей. Авторский вклад в создание статьи произведен авторами в равных долях. При написании материала Р.Г. Гагкуевым и С.Г. Шиловой проанализирована источниковая база и историография вопроса, подготовлен к публикации исторический источник из Российского государственного военного архива, сделаны примечания и комментарии к публикации.


"Царицынский анабасис" Ивана Карлова

"Царицынский анабасис" Ивана Карлова

Давыдов Матвей Ильич

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В работе анализируется любопытный эпизод из жизни города Суздаля, освещающий неудачную попытку высылки оттуда в Царицын в 1674 г. посадского человека Ивана Карлова. Благодаря публикуемым в приложении к статье документальным свидетельствам автору удается показать децентрализованный характер организационной структуры Суздальской приказной избы, а также важную руководящую роль стройщиков Суздальского Покровского девичьего монастыря в ее повседневной деятельности.


16-я механизированная бригада 7-го механизированного корпуса в Пятихатской операции 1943 года

16-я механизированная бригада 7-го механизированного корпуса в Пятихатской операции 1943 года

Тушканов Дмитрий Игоревич, Тушканов Игорь Валентинович

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Пятихатская наступательная операция Степного (2-го Украинского) фронта завершает череду крупных сражений 1943 года. На сегодняшний день она остается малоизученной, особенно в вопросе о действиях отдельных частей (корпусов, дивизий, бригад). Рассекречивание большого комплекса архивных материалов позволяет постепенно ликвидировать этот пробел в историографии Великой Отечественной войны. Проведение объективного анализа журналов боевых действий, сравнение с ранее опубликованными источниками позволило рассмотреть участие 16-й механизированной бригады на первом этапе Пятихатской операции с 15 октября по 5 ноября 1943 года. В статье изучаются процесс формирования и подготовки бригады в июле-сентябре, прорыв немецкой обороны, освобождение г. Пятихатки и других населенных пунктов с 15 по 21 октября 1943 г., оборонительные бои на подступах к Кривому Рогу (с 21 октября по 4 ноября 1943 г.). Введенные в научный оборот материалы показывают героизм и мужество бойцов бригады, достаточно эффективное руководство боевыми действиями офицеров бригады и всего командования 7-го механизированного корпуса. Вклад авторов. Д.И. Тушкановым изучена историография и опубликованные источники по теме исследования, проанализирована история формирования 16-й механизированной бригады и ее взаимодействие с другими частями 7-го механизированного корпуса. И.В. Тушкановым на основе журнала боевых действий рассмотрена боевая деятельность и взаимодействие подразделений бригады в ходе Пятихатской наступательной операции.


20 лет политической науке в российских вузах

20 лет политической науке в российских вузах

Морозов Сергей Иванович



300-я стрелковая дивизия в боях на Миус-Фронте в феврале-марте 1943 года

300-я стрелковая дивизия в боях на Миус-Фронте в феврале-марте 1943 года

Медведев Максим Валерьевич

Статья научная

После окружения немецких войск и их союзников под Сталинградом в конце ноября 1942 г. Красная армия смогла развить масштабное наступление на запад, и в январе - начале февраля 1943 г. войска Южного фронта нанесли удар на ростовском направлении. Данная статья посвящена боевым действиям 300-й стрелковой дивизии 13-го гвардейского стрелкового корпуса 2-й гвардейской армии в начале 1943 года. Упоминания о них практически отсутствуют в историографии, между тем в боях в феврале - первой декаде марта дивизия понесла огромные потери и была отведена в резерв. Опираясь на рассекреченные документы Центрального архива Министерства обороны Российской Федерации, автор раскрывает одну из малоизвестных страниц истории Миус-фронта.


9-е и 17-е правила Халкидонского собора 451 г. в свете западного соборного наследия IV века

9-е и 17-е правила Халкидонского собора 451 г. в свете западного соборного наследия IV века

Захаров Георгий Евгеньевич

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Введение. Статья посвящена проблеме интерпретации 9-го и 17-го канонов Халкидонского собора 451 г., в которых регламентируется практика разрешения тяжб между представителями духовенства. Особое значение имеет предписание разрешать споры, в которых участвуют митрополиты, через обращение к экзарху диоцеза или Константинопольскому престолу. Эти каноны зачастую рассматриваются как основания вселенского первенства и особых судебных прерогатив Константинопольской кафедры во всей Православной Церкви. Методы. Учитывая статус Константинополя как Нового Рима, автор сопоставляет содержание 9-го и 17-го правил Халкидонского собора с постановлениями Сердикского собора 343 г. и Римского собора 378 г., касающимися судебных прерогатив Римского престола. Анализ. В результате в статье подвергается критике получивший распространение в историографии тезис об аналогичности 9-го и 17-го правил Халкидонского собора и так называемых апелляционных канонов Сердикского собора. В то же время в послании Римского собора 378 г. и рескрипте императора Грациана, ставшем ответом на этот текст, присутствует некоторое сходство с халкидонскими постановлениями. Например, в решениях и Римского, и Халкидонского соборов обозначена идея альтернативности в выборе судебной инстанции. Их общей особенностью является также представление о невозможности производить судебный процесс по делу митрополита на уровне провинции. При этом если в постановлениях Римского собора речь идет о рассмотрении обвинений в тяжелых преступлениях, то в канонах Халкидонского собора - об арбитраже в тяжбах. Результаты. Несмотря на некоторые различия, постановления Римского и Халкидонского соборов неразрывно связаны с общими тенденциями развития системы церковной организации на сверхпровинциальном уровне.


A slab from Izmir with two peacocks. Depictions of peacocksin Byzantine architectural sculpture of Asia Minor

A slab from Izmir with two peacocks. Depictions of peacocksin Byzantine architectural sculpture of Asia Minor

Lafl Ergn, Buora Maurizio

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This paper presents a marble slab from the Archaeological Museum of Izmir in western Turkey, which was published by Anastasios K. Orlandos in 1937 and its inscription was re-considered by Georg Petzl in 1990. Its epigraphy mentions a formerly unknown bishop, Euethios, who was probably the bishop of Smyrna during the Early Byzantine period. On this occasion, a brief review of the depiction of two peacocks flanking a vase in the marble architectural sculpture of Byzantine Asia Minor is presented, in order to assign a more concise date for the slab from Izmir. An accompanying catalogue with several examples of peacocks’ depictions from Asia Minor was made and a marble plate with a peacock depiction from Skopje, Macedonia is also included. Authors’ contribution. In this article Ergün Laflı gives a detailed description of this inscribed plate which is a valuable historical document, while Maurizio Buora analyses its inscription and makes its epigraphic assessment as well as a systematic examination of the iconography of peacocks in the marble architectural sculpture of Byzantine Asia Minor through over thirty examples in Turkish museums.


About the authors

About the authors



African Union and regional economic communities: problems, benefits and prospects of collaborations for integration

African Union and regional economic communities: problems, benefits and prospects of collaborations for integration

Mustapha Ayodele Haruna

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Introduction. African Union’s regional economic communities are stronghold for the African continent towards economic integration in various sub-regions and sectors of the African people. Their efforts have further deepen both trade and political interests among them which have equally boosted the integration drive of the African Union for the overall benefits of the Africans. Their moves have articulated many incentive, for more investments and attraction of Foreign Direct Investment that have brought continental reforms like stabilization, market policy, liberalization and privatisation methods adopted for regional arrangements to increase both private and public investments. Methods and materials. The paper adopts secondary source of data to elicit information while it makes use of the study towards economic, monetary market development and political union in African. Analysis and Results. The paper posits to examine their areas of dimensions, problems and prospects for collaboration to maximize economic goals and objectives which include security governance, economic growth, etc. The paper identifies problems like over concentration with the regional economic communities and their attendant peculiarities, while it notes the prospects of joint activities between the African Union and the regional economic Communities to build their capacities, harmonize and coordinate their institutions towards collaborations.


Armageddon: comparative images of the nuclear conflict between the united states and the soviet union in american cinema

Armageddon: comparative images of the nuclear conflict between the united states and the soviet union in american cinema

Heed Tom, Kubyshkin Alexander I.

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Introduction. Film offers a valuable mirror to reflect on how we assess our present and past. The Cold War was one of the most troubled periods in history. Two huge, wealthy, energetic, and creative societies competed in all areas. During those decades of electric change and development they faced each other with weapons of ever increasing lethality. The film industry in both countries looked at how the nuclear exchange would impact in both lands. Over the decades as the weaponry changed, as the patterns of leadership changed, as the economy of the world evolved, both nations’ film industry painted different images of what Armageddon could look like. If we compare comparable films, across similar decades, what do we learn of that era and those people? Methods and Materials. The methods used in the article are comparative, analytical and functional systematic ones. The materials used are the following: 1) five films of both cultures from different decades; 2) secondary accounts of contemporary events; 3) secondary reviews of the selected films, and 4) secondary accounts of parallel incidents. Analysis. With the complex weapons of the Cold War era we certainly need to worry about the technological imperative and the potential role of accident and unintended consequences. However, we are blessed that the doom day scenario has not yet erupted. We are most fortunate that the dire warning of many US filmmakers have not been realized. Indeed with the coming advent of AI technology and 5G communications, we may have more to fear than ever before. Results. After fifty some years of the Cold War, films continue to project the worst fears of people. As we review these films across the several decades we see constancy, the films again and again distrust technology.


Bessarion on economics and geopolitics

Bessarion on economics and geopolitics

Baloglou Christos P.

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This paper deals with those aspects of Byzantine intellectual heritage, which belong to the Bessarion’s thought and writing. Bessarion, Cardinal of the Roman-Catholic Church, proposed specific, systematic and analytical measures for a re-organization and recovery of the Despotate of Mistra, while, as it is known, he lived there from the end of 1431 until the end of 1436. Then Вessarion, in his capacity as cardinal, showed his continual and undiminished interest to the advancement of Greek nation, as proven by three famous memoranda of scholar. These are appeals to Constantine Palaiologos, Despot of Mistra, as well as to the doge of Venice. Dated July 13, 1453 the letter to the doge informed him on the Fall of Constantinople and the sufferings of Greek nation! Especially noteworthy is the third (and only surviving) letter of Вessarion, addressed to his friend, Despot Constantine Palaiologos in the spring of 1444. Here Вessarion proposes a specific, specialized program for the economic restructure, social reorganization and military strengthening of the Despotate. The intellectual associates education with economy. Sharing the economic philosophy of ancient Greeks on self-sufficiency and utilization of local means, Вessarion became a forerunner of mercantilism, while also acknowledging the productive contribution of education. The proposal of Вessarion for the transfer of the Despotate’s capital closer to the Isthmus was of great geopolitical importance since, when the guarding of the Hexamilion Wall would be reconstructed and constant and properly updated. These proposals, having been so important for the evolution of Byzantine economic thought, took an appropriate place in its development.


Between recruitment and all-estates conscription: Cossack military service and its transformation in the late imperial period (1835-1917)

Between recruitment and all-estates conscription: Cossack military service and its transformation in the late imperial period (1835-1917)

Volvenko Alexey A.

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Introduction. As the title implies, the article describes the evolution of Cossack military service in the late imperial period, which was completed with the formation of Cossack military service, which existed without significant changes until 1917. Methods and Materials. The article is based on various papers: archival materials from the Russian State Military Historical Archive (Moscow), publications of contemporaries on Cossack issues of the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries, published in the pages of the magazine “Military Collection.” The analysis of historiography on the topic capacitated the author to reveal an overall perspective on the content and evolution of the Cossack service from 1835 to 1917, which was detailed in the narrative acquiring a multi-level structure. In this framework, the emphasis is on the explanation of the relationship between the individual elements of the service over several decades. Analysis. For a long time, the form and content of Cossack military service were influenced by the geographical features of the location of a specific Cossack army, the theater of military operations, where Cossack units were used, military traditions, etc. After the Crimean War and with the end of hostilities in the Caucasus, and especially with the beginning of the epoch of “liberation”, the evaluation of the Cossacks and their service moved on to the press. The main platforms for the discussion of the Cossacks military and colonization functions were the periodicals subordinate to the War Ministry. Under the influence of D.A. Milyutin’s military reforms Cossack service was transformed, first on the basis of a conscription order, and then, with reference to the adoption of the general imperial Charter on military service (1874) it again acquired a mandatory character. Results. The article concludes that emerging in the late 19th - early 20th centuries the service system implied more rigid centralization and unification, and the entire policy of the War Ministryuntil 1917 in relation to the Cossack service was aimed at its maximum adaptation to the army regulations and the requirements of modern warfare.


Captain jacques margeret: a remarkable huguenot soldier in Russia'S time of troubles

Captain jacques margeret: a remarkable huguenot soldier in Russia'S time of troubles

Dunning C.S.L.

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Captain Jacques Margeret (fl. 1591-1621), a brave and highlyintelligent French Huguenot soldier, was an active observer-participant in the Time of Troubles who contributed to Russia's military modernization. Margeret also wrote one of the most valuable foreign accounts of early modern Russia: Estat de l'Empire de Russie et Grand Duché de Moscovie (1607). In this essay, Chester Dunning surveys two hundred years of scholarship about Margeret and his famous book, and he lays the foundation for a more objective biography of the remarkable French captain who served Tsar Boris Godunov, Tsar “Dmitrii”, Tsar Vasilii Shuiskii, the Tushinite pretender Dmitrii, “Tsar” Wladyslaw, King Sigismund III of Poland-Lithuania, Prince Janusz Radziwiłł, and finally King Gustav II Adolf of Sweden. This essay challenges recent scholarship concerning Margeret's identity, his religious affiliation, his early career in France, his controversial career in Russia, his later career, and the composition of his book. This essay is based on fifty years of research by the translator of Jacques Margeret's book into English as The Russian Empire and Grand Duchy of Muscovy: A 17th-Century French Account (1983). In addition to reading most published sources and scholarship about Margeret and his account of Russia, the author has examined documents related to Margeret's biography in French, Russian, Polish, and British archives. In the process, Dunning discovered a letter Margeret wrote to King James I in 1612 encouraging English military intervention in north Russia to counter Polish and Swedish intervention.


Catholic emancipation in the Great Britain and Irish policy of Sir Robert Peel (1812-1829)

Catholic emancipation in the Great Britain and Irish policy of Sir Robert Peel (1812-1829)

Klochkov V.V., Nazarova V.S., Uznarodov I.M.

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Introduction. The subject of research in this work is a historical and historiographical review of the Irish policy of one of the Tory leaders, Sir R. Peel (1788-1850), from the moment of his appointment as Secretary for Ireland in 1812 to the political crisis associated with the Catholic Emancipation in 1829. The relevance of the work is determined by the fact that the Irish policy of R. Peel is investigated here not only in the traditional problem-chronological way but also in a biographical context.


Children and young adults from the early Sarmatian burials of the Lower Volga region (paleopathological perspective)

Children and young adults from the early Sarmatian burials of the Lower Volga region (paleopathological perspective)

Pererva Evgeniy V., Chistobaeva Valentina Yu.

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This paper presents the results of a study of bone remains of impuberal individuals from the Early Sarmatian burial mounds located in the Lower Volga region. When working with bone remains, we analyzed frequency of occurrence of various stress indicators and other abnormalities, taking into account biological age of the individuals buried there. The comparison of paleopathology results with the data from archaeological and ethnographic written sources made it possible to assess some aspects of the life of the early Sarmatian population. Thus, the number of children and adolescents in the early Sarmatian burials corresponds to the established paleodemographic standards proving the normal demographic situation in the paleopopulation. Reconstruction of nutrition patterns allows us to assert that breastfeeding in early Sarmatians was long. Meat and dairy products were the basis of the diet of both older children and adults. In the life of the population, there must have been occasional famine periods, for instance, due to livestock loss. The nomads' diet was limited to meat and milk products, did not provide proper nutrition and caused numerous diseases such as scurvy and porosis. Paleopathology data demonstrate the spread of helminthiases and various infections in the Sarmatians.


Communication technologies of crowdsourcing in contemporary global and russian public policy

Communication technologies of crowdsourcing in contemporary global and russian public policy

Pankratova Liliya S., Shakarbieva Svetlana V.

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Introduction. The paper studies crowdsourcing technologies of public communication that is an essential part of the global and regional contemporary political spaces as a method of nonviolent conflict resolution and reduction of social tensions in different parts of the world. Methods. The authors examine crowdsourcing technology of public political communication based on classical and modern concepts of political-communicative interaction of society and government (J. Habermas, M. Castells, G. Tarde, J. Shurovyeski, J. Howe). The paper reveals the specifics of implementation of crowdsourcing in the international public policy on the example of the United Nations Organization world agenda setting e-discussion projects, and in the political context of modern Russia with the spread of e-government practices, e-participation of individuals and groups. Results. The introduction of crowdsourcing is one of the important stages in the process of increasing the effectiveness of communication between government bodies, local authorities, business, political and public associations in developing and making the most important decisions for citizens all over the world. The demand for crowdsourcing in both international and Russian public policy is connected, on the one hand, with the recognition that a huge number of citizens have the abilities, talent, necessary competencies and qualities of innovative activity, and, on the other hand, with significance of development of ‘human capital’, understood as a set of knowledge and skills used to meet the diverse needs of citizens and societyas a whole, for the modern competitive and challenging world. Discussion. The limits of crowdsourcing technologyin public policy need to be evaluated from the perspective of social and cultural stratification and inequality, potential of mediated collective action.L.S. Pankratova has carried out complex analysis of the concept of public sphere in the context of new information communication technologies dissemination and examined the cases of crowdsourcing projects introduced by the United Nations Organization over recent years, as well as made professional translation of the article. S.V. Shakarbieva has conducted interdisciplinary analysis of social theories to interpret the concept of crowdsourcing and investigated the perspectives and limits of the spread of crowdsourcing communication technologies in the modern public policy space of Russia.


Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos on Croatsin early medieval Southern Pannonia (DAI, C. 30, 75-78): a note on concept and method of Byzantine history writing

Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos on Croatsin early medieval Southern Pannonia (DAI, C. 30, 75-78): a note on concept and method of Byzantine history writing

Graanin Hrvoje

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The paper endeavours to discuss anew a scholarlypuzzle related to the Croatian early Middle Ages and centred on a few lines from Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos’s De administrando imperio , which in English translation are as follows: And of the Croats who arrived to Dalmatia one part separated and ruled Illyricum and Pannonia. And they also had an independent ruler who was sending envoys, though only to the ruler of Croatia from friendship . Taking a different approach from the complete dismissal of the two sentences as a pure fiction or a mere literary device, the paper instead attempts to trace the concept behind this account as well as its underlying meaning. On the one hand, it seeks to detect the methods or strategies used by the royal compiler in trying to elucidate the past. On the other hand, it aims to provide a thorough historical analysis and offer a possible interpretation in opposition to the view, still largely extant in the Croatian scholarship, that this account is an evidence for an early presence of the group called Croats in southern Pannonia.


Contemporary state and prospects of female protest development: from deprivation to mobilization

Contemporary state and prospects of female protest development: from deprivation to mobilization

Makarenko Kirill M., Pankratova Liliia S.

Статья научная

Introduction. The article presents the analysis of the сontemporary state and prospects for the development of women’s protest in a global perspective. The research focuses on the study of the causes and nature of mass women’s protest in the context of the formation of a new system of relations between the authorities and society represented by certain social groups. The relevance of the problem is determined by the need for a political science analysis of modern practices, causes and forms of women’s protest, making a forecast of the prospects for the development of women’s social movements. Methods and methodology. The methodological basis of the research is the synthesis of the relative deprivation theory by T.R. Gurr and the resource mobilization theory by Ch. Tilly, which makes it possible to present women’s protest through the prism of both psychological (deprivation) and institutional determinants. The empirical basis of the work is the data (338 cases) of the quantitative study “The Women in Resistance (WiRe)”, that is available for secondary analysis in the Harvard Dataverse Repository. Analysis. Women’s protests represent an institutional and non-institutional form of changing the “political field”. A common peripheral role of women in the political space serves as a basis for the formation of a common identity among them. A high degree of consolidation, as well as an active role of women in protest, correlates with the success of collective action. Protests in which women play an active role are more peaceful in nature. This is due to the mediating role of women, which prevents the growth of tension in the conflict. Results. Based on the analysis of statistical information and case-study, it was revealed that the economic and legal structural similarity of states does not determine the nature of women’s protest participation in politics, which is more dependent on historical practices, previously achieved results of women’s protest, the presence of institutional structures that organize protests, as well as on the specific problems of women in the state. The prospects for the development of women’s protest and women’s social movements are determined by the level of success achieved. While in Western Europe and the USA, women’s social movements are fighting for the achievement of post- material values, due to the solution of the economic differentiation problems, in Latin America, women are fighting for their natural right to life and their own bodies. A vector of women’s protest is aimed at combating all types of discrimination, but the nature of specific problems is fundamentally different.





