Статьи журнала - Высшее образование сегодня

Все статьи: 1225

Professionally oriented foreign language teaching at a technical university

Professionally oriented foreign language teaching at a technical university

Belenkova Yulia S.

Статья научная

The paper shows the features of teaching a foreign language at a technical university. Teaching a foreign language is an integral part of the professional training of future specialists. Professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language increases motivation, as students have the opportunity to use a foreign language for conducting research work, as well as for solving future professional tasks. In addition, learning a foreign language in a professional context increases the effectiveness of teaching and contributes to a better study of the material. The paper analyzes the methods of teaching reading of professionally oriented texts, reveals the organization of foreign language training for specific purposes.


Relationship between personality traits and the severity of internet addiction in adults (in English)

Relationship between personality traits and the severity of internet addiction in adults (in English)

Sudakova-zotova Iuliia A.

Статья научная

The problem of Internet addiction is considered, attention is focused on the relationship between individual personality traits and the severity of Internet addiction. The course and results of an empirical study on this topic are presented, the contingent of which was people aged 25 to 60 years of different social status. The conclusion is made about the validity of the assumption that by the upper limit of middle age, the subjects are less likely to develop Internet addiction due to the fact that they have formed preferences due to a large number of other interests, about the independence of the results from the gender of the subjects.


Some trends in the development of modern education (in English)

Some trends in the development of modern education (in English)

Belenkova Yulia S.

Статья научная

The development trends and topical problems of modern education in Russia are revealed. The importance of online education and educational trends inherent in the digital age is emphasized. The influence of the digital economy on the development of the educational sector is considered. The processes of distribution and application of digital technologies in modern education are described, which help to expand learning opportunities. In the context of the use of electronic learning tools, family education is considered, relevant methods on which the process of receiving education at home can be based. It is concluded that modern trends in education have great potential and open up new opportunities for improving the educational system.


Study of student preferences for distance learning

Study of student preferences for distance learning

Burdynskaya S.P.

Статья научная

The paper provides a brief analysis of the preferences of students of non-linguistic universities in relation to distance learning, their satisfaction with it. The opinion of students about controlled pair and group work, obstacles in work and discomfort experienced by them in a distance lesson is considered. The key role of the presence of a teacher in a distance lesson and the importance of managing its progress are noted. The research ideas that will help teachers effectively conduct online English classes are highlighted.


Teaching English as a foreign language at the postgraduate level in Russia: a multi-modular PHD course as a solution to the current crisis

Teaching English as a foreign language at the postgraduate level in Russia: a multi-modular PHD course as a solution to the current crisis

S.N. Kucherenko, T.V. Makhmudova, I.O. Shcherbakova

Статья научная

This paper touches upon some of the problems experienced by postgraduate programmes at Russian universities with regards to teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL). It attempts to highlight some of the solutions proposed by researchers of higher education, some of whom advocate for multi-dimensional solutions plan. The paper throws light on a multi-modular EFL course implemented at National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Russia, Saint-Petersburg as a showcase of the approach vouching for a dramatic boost in English expertise among PhD students.


Teaching business communication in a foreign language as a means of forming general cultural and professional competencies of technical university students

Teaching business communication in a foreign language as a means of forming general cultural and professional competencies of technical university students

Vlasova Irina V.

Статья научная

The article proves the necessity of mastering business communication in a foreign language for the formation of general cultural and professional competencies that graduates of a technical university should possess. Author’s textbooks for bachelors of the sphere of chemical technologies and engineering and economic specialties in business foreign language are presented in the informational and didactic base of the Samara Technical University at the department of Foreign Languages for the formation of general cultural and professional competencies in the process of teaching students business communication. The goals and objectives of the course on business foreign language, as well as educational technologies, are used by teachers of the department to teach business foreign language.


The Effectiveness of Students’ Independent Work and Metacognitive Skills Formation

The Effectiveness of Students’ Independent Work and Metacognitive Skills Formation

Yulia S. Belenkova

Статья научная

The paper shows the ways of developing students' autonomy in education and the importance of teaching self-learning skills. The article determines the factors of students’ self-organization in the process of independent work. The author presents the main methodological aspects of developing students' metacognitive skills and describes the system of metacognitive skillsformation. The system consists of four stages: informational, control, operational, analytical. The techniques and methods of metacognitive skills formation are indicated. One of the most eff ective methods is the project method. It helps to improve communication skills,to use authentic resources,it stimulates motivation, increases cognitive activity, it helps to organize an independent form of work and to form metacognitive skills. The success and eff ectiveness of students' independent work largely depends on the organization of this activity.


The ability of students to write annotations to scientific and technical texts as a necessary means of teaching a foreign language at a technical university

The ability of students to write annotations to scientific and technical texts as a necessary means of teaching a foreign language at a technical university

Vlasova Irina V.

Статья научная

The article discusses the features of technical texts and the preparation of students for writing annotations to them. The main means of teaching students of chemical specialties are developed by the author's teaching aids. They are built taking into account interdisciplinary links with the disciplines of the humanitarian and socio-economic cycles and are aimed at preparing the writing of annotations necessary to work on technical texts on specialties at different difficulty levels at various levels of education. For the correct writing of the annotation to a scientific article, clear guidelines and recommendations are given, as well as clichés, for a more accurate transfer of the content of the article. Students are offered a plan for writing annotations and lexical tasks that successfully and purposefully lead the student to writing annotations to the article.


The analysis of the possibilities of e-learning system Moodle to improve the efficiency of the learning process in a technical university (in English)

The analysis of the possibilities of e-learning system Moodle to improve the efficiency of the learning process in a technical university (in English)

Vlasova Irina V.

Статья научная

The possibilities of the Moodle environment in improving the efficiency of the educational process are determined. The Moodle system is considered as a specially organized educational environment that promotes the development of students’ competencies and implements the main goals of information and communication technologies. The use of the Moodle system in the educational process allows students to form the ability for independent search, continuous self-education and creativity. Attention is focused on the importance of independent work of students. The description of the electronic educational and methodological course “English for students of technical specialties” in the discipline “Foreign language” for teaching students of technical specialties is given. It is concluded that the electronic educational system can be used as a supplement to classroom work. Students can use the system to independently master any materials and fill in gaps in their knowledge.


The development of independent forms of learning as an urgent problem of the sociology of education today

The development of independent forms of learning as an urgent problem of the sociology of education today

Vlasova Irina V.

Статья научная

Modern trends in the development of society make it a priority to develop an education system based on computer technologies and creating a unified educational information environment. Sociology of education is currently exploring in depth the problems of developing forms of independent learning. Application of new computer technologies and the use of problem-solving activities in the educational process increase the effectiveness of the process of teaching English on the one hand and develop forms of independent learning on the other. The article analyzes the accumulated experience of foreign language teachers of Samara Technical University in the formation of students' independent learning by means of the introduction of information technology in the educational environment in practical classes in the English language, which helps to increase and stimulate students' interest, activate their thinking and individualize training.


The didactic aspects of understanding

The didactic aspects of understanding

P.I. Kovalyov

Статья научная

The didactic aspects of understanding are considered. Characterized by the ability to under-stand in animals. The points of view on the understanding of B. Bloom, Ya.A. Comenius, E. Husserl and others. The process of translating accumulated knowledge about real objects into scientifi c statements is described. A hierarchy of ideal objects of systems formed as a result of a scientifi c statement is given. The originality of the mental (situational) model as a way of organizing the subject’s inner experience, his attitude to the objects of the world and to his own thoughts, actions, experiences is revealed.


The methodology of using role-playing games in foreign language classes to form the readiness of students of a technical university for foreign language professional communication

The methodology of using role-playing games in foreign language classes to form the readiness of students of a technical university for foreign language professional communication

Vlasova Irina Vladimirovna

Статья научная

The article discusses the methodology and experience of using role-playing games, the formation of technical university students’ readiness for professional foreign language communication in a multicultural environment. Scientifically substantiated recommendations are given for choosing the content of role-playing games for students of chemical and technolog-ical specialties, for designing scenarios for role-playing games, for distributing roles among game participants, for organizing their preparation and conduct. Theoretical provisions and practical recommendations are illustrated by an example of the plot and the methodology for conducting a role-playing game on the topic “Chemistry of today”. The results of a pedagogical experiment, confirming the feasibility and effectiveness of the use of role-playing games when teaching students of a technical university professional foreign language communication in a multicultural environment, is presented.


The relevance of using blended learning in teaching foreign languages to students of the correspondence department of a technical university

The relevance of using blended learning in teaching foreign languages to students of the correspondence department of a technical university

Vlasova Irina V.

Статья научная

It is devoted to the analysis of the application of methods of blended learning in the teaching of foreign languages to distance learning students in a technical University. The article analyzes the methods of blended learning, its advantages and disadvantages. The article also reflects the methodological basis of independent work of students in correspondence department and characteristics for independent learning activities.


Use of active methods of teaching foreign language to students of chemical specialties in technical university

Use of active methods of teaching foreign language to students of chemical specialties in technical university

I.V. Vlasova

Статья научная

The article considers a heuristic approach to the development and formation of professional competencies of future chemical engineers by means of a foreign language, taking into ac-count the development trends of modern society. The undoubted advantages of using active methods of teaching a foreign language to students of chemical specialties, realizing all the most important principles of creative learning are noted. In this article, we examined how the heuristic approach to the formation of professional competencies of future chemical en-gineers at the foreign language classes of Samara State Technical University is implemented.


Use of information technologies to improve productive skills of the Japanese language students (in English)

Use of information technologies to improve productive skills of the Japanese language students (in English)

Marfina V.E.

Статья научная

An algorithm and recommendations for the introduction of information technologies into the educational process for the development of productive skills of Japanese language learners are presented. Reviews of students about the effectiveness and degree of ease of use of these information technologies are analyzed. Recommendations for the organization of successful work of students with these technologies for the development of productive skills are presented.


VI Глобальная конференция по новым образовательным технологиям Edсrunch 2019

VI Глобальная конференция по новым образовательным технологиям Edсrunch 2019


1-2 октября в Москве, в Центре международной торговли прошла VI Глобальная конференция по новым образовательным технологиям EdСrunch 2019. Конференция зарекомендовала себя как крупнейший образовательный форум в Европе, объединяющий российских и международных экспертов, организаторов образовательного процесса и представителей EdTech-компаний, ректоров вузов, преподавателей и школьных учителей, аналитиков и методистов. Ее организаторы - Национальный исследовательский технологический университет «МИСиС» и Университет Национальной технологической инициативы «20.35» - занимают лидирующие позиции в разработке и реализации инноваций в высшей школе. Девиз конференции в этом году: «Редизайн образования - от человеческого капитала к человеческому потенциалу». Ключевыми темами конференции стали глобальная цифровизация и развитие ИТ-технологий, формирование цифровой среды, экономика и подготовка кадров в условиях цифрового образования.


Zoom technology as a tool for foreign language learning in the COVID-19 pandemic conditions

Zoom technology as a tool for foreign language learning in the COVID-19 pandemic conditions

Sumtsova Olga V., Aikina Tatiana Yu.

Статья научная

The present research focuses on the experience of one of the leading engineering educational institutions in Russia - Tomsk Polytechnic University - in organizing and giving practices on the discipline “Foreign Language” in the force majeure circumstances provoked by the Covid-19 pandemic. The peculiarities of integrating remote learning in the educational process have been analyzed; findings of the survey conducted among 2nd year students of the School of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies aimed to reveal the students’ attitude towards day-to-day classes delivered by means of the video conferencing Internet platform ZOOM are presented. The study also suggests some beneficial ways of ZOOM implementation in foreign language teaching that could help to equip teachers with effective strategies in establishing productive learning environment in their online classes.


«Гражданином быть обязан.», или формирование политической культуры

«Гражданином быть обязан.», или формирование политической культуры

Долинина Ирина Геннадьевна

Статья научная

Обоснована необходимость формирования гражданской политической культуры обучающихся. Политическую культуру понимаем как интегративную характеристику личности, включающую опыт, сознание и поведение.

