Formation of interest to rehabilitation work with disabled children among students

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This article provides the work experience with disabled children at a nursery school, considers formation of communication skills with complex structure of the defect during the process of their socialization at preschool educational institution. Well-organized physical education allows children to get ability to master numerous motor skills and to control their motions in different conditions of motor practice. With the help of tests, we can learn effectiveness of different programs and methods and find out the influence on children’s mental growth and a developmental delay. Raven’s Colored Matrice allows us to analyze learning skills and to reveal the formation of such psychical processes as attention, memory, thinking in their visual-form component. A child with disabilities needs special treatment. Effective management of the formation of his personality requires a deep knowledge of psychological patterns explaining the specifics of children’s development at all age levels...


Medical physical education, training of specialists, system of education, health, lesions of musculoskeletal system, physical development, children's cerebral paralysis, physical efficiency, central nervous system, hippo therapy

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IDR: 142219792

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