Physical preparation of athletes-tourists during the discipline "Distance - pedestrian" at the stage of sports improvement

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Sport tourism as a kind of sports suggests athletes’ overcoming of areas of natural or artificial relief with real obstacles and performing of special tasks using specific equipment. The basis of special tasks are the athletes’ actions, which are aimed at overcoming of obstacles and distance, limited by control time and security measures. These features of sports tourism require special training, detailed in the programs of the Youth Sports Schools for tourists, who specialize in the group of disciplines «distance ». At the present stage of sports tourism the development of technical and tactical skills of the leading athletestourists in the group of disciplines «Distance - pedestrian» is approximately at the same high level. Therefore, when passing the competitive distance actual sports result in a greater degree is conditioned by the level of physical preparedness of athletes. The conducted studies made it possible to establish that athletes from the snow regions of our country at the main starts of the season show the results which are much higher than the athletes’ ones from the snowless areas. In our opinion, their advantage is due to the fact that in the preparatory period because of climatic conditions instead of cross run they use ski races, which have a more significant complex impact on the functional systems of the body. To test this assumption the differentiated approach of the development of physical qualities has been used: in the basic stabilizing mesocycle for the development of general endurance the experimental group have been engaged in ski training, but for the development of speedforce, power and speed training the athletes performed exercises as close as possible to competitive cross-fit ones. As a comparison result of the obtained data of the control and experimental groups the steady tendency of superiority of the athletes from the experimental group in indicators of physical preparedness and in increase in functionality of cardio-vascular system have been revealed.


Sports tourism, physical training, discipline

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IDR: 142215221

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