Financial possibilities for providing expenditure obligations of local self-government

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The article assesses financial provision of expenditure obligations of local self-government. Problems requiring urgent solutions and including decrease of financial autonomy of municipalities and increasing their dependency on decisions and financial support from upper level budgets are revealed.

Local self-government, revenue basis of local budgets, financial provision, financial support

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IDR: 147223174

Список литературы Financial possibilities for providing expenditure obligations of local self-government

  • Russia’s regions. Socio-economic indexes. 2009 : stat. coll. -Access mode: Id=1138623506156
  • Budget performance reports of the Murmansk municipalities 2000 -2007.
  • Performance data base of municipalities . -Access mode:
  • Tax Code of the RF . -М., 2005. -Chapters 1-2.
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