Статьи журнала - Экономика и бизнес: теория и практика

Все статьи: 6997

Creation of the digital twins Сrimean industry

Creation of the digital twins Сrimean industry

Cheremysynova D.V., Tishchenko A.V.

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The article shows the promising use of digital twins in the world and in the Russian Federation. The possibilities and advantages of using digital twins in the traditional industries of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol are summarized. The implementation of the new Digital Digital design and modeling paradigm Smart Digital Twin in the direction of the transition of the Crimean industry to V and VI technological structures necessitates the preparation of a new generation of engineering personnel for Crimean enterprises.


Credit policy of commercial banks and its features

Credit policy of commercial banks and its features

Rahimov A.M.

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This article analyzes the role of bank credit policy in banking, factors affecting bank credit policy, bank loan portfolio and its structure, analyzed and summarized the findings and recommendations for improving the credit policy of the banks.


Currency risk management at companies of agro-industrial complex

Currency risk management at companies of agro-industrial complex

Platonova Yu.Yu., Bondarenko T.N.

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This article examines the economic relations arising in the process of managing and minimizing currency risks. There was presented a comprehensive classification of currency risks and systematic methods of managing them. The commodity structure of Russian exports was analyzed and there was determined the current state of Russian exports of agricultural products. Moreover, based on the study and analysis of foreign and Russian experience in currency risk management, proposals were developed for comprehensive optimization of hedging methods and currency risk management on the example of an export-oriented enterprise in the field of agriculture.


Current trends in the Russian banking sector: an empirical analysis

Current trends in the Russian banking sector: an empirical analysis

Pasetskaya M.Y.

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In recent years, the Russian banking market has experienced threats to financial stability from external factors. The changes were influenced by the mega-regulator and international organizations. This paper analyzes the market of banking services in terms of characteristics of quantitative indicators to determine the overall picture of the current state of the banking sector.


DIY ритейл на российском рынке: стратегии и перспективы (на примере компании Леруа Мерлен)

DIY ритейл на российском рынке: стратегии и перспективы (на примере компании Леруа Мерлен)

Абрамова М.Ю., Зубова А.А., Кусков А.Н.

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Актуальность данного исследования состоит в изучении стратегических направлений развития международных розничных сетей DIY ритейла на российском рынке, предполагающее активную экспансию регионов России, расширение ассортимента собственных торговых марок и сочетание оффлайн и онлайн продаж. Авторами были сделаны выводы о перспективах развития участников DIY рынка на примере компании Леруа Мерлен.


Development and current status of multiculturalism in Europe

Development and current status of multiculturalism in Europe

Ismayilov Vuqar, Mammadov Asim

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Multiculturalism, for more than fifty years, is one of the cultural and political issues that attract most of the attention of scientists and politicians. In this article, the historical development and current situation of the concept of multiculturalism has been studied. The article also studied and described the results of multiculturalism concept, model of multicultural citizenship and the flow of immigrants from third countries to Europe, along with the modern European multiculturalism. The main purposes of this article are to identify theoretical and practical problems of the policy of multiculturalism, to demonstrate how seriously this policy is affected by nationalist ideology, and to identify cultural minorities, that suffer the most from this trend, using the European example.


Development of the digitalization of Russian economics: branch-wise

Development of the digitalization of Russian economics: branch-wise

Larin S.N., Sokolov N.A.

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To key peculiarities of the development of world economics in the 21st century should be referred the intensification of the implementation of information technologies, as well as the digitalization almost in all branches of industry. In this juncture the research in the part of reveal of modern trends of the use of information technologies, as well as of products of digital economics in different industrial branches appears as trending one. The purpose of the research hereunder is to substantiate the need for the expansion of uses of modern information technologies and products of digital economics in different industrial branches, as well as to reveal prospective areas of its application for new kinds of industrial products. As a result of the performed research was carried out the analysis of basic trends of the influence of modern information technologies on the development of industrial enterprises. Besides that were determined key branches in the part of the development of the informational support and digitalization of the industry, as well as of the implementation of IT-solutions in the activity of industrial enterprises.


Digital economy development in corporate governance of joint stock company

Digital economy development in corporate governance of joint stock company

Khudoykulov H.A., Sherov A.B.

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Currently, new digital technologies, innovative business models penetrate all spheres of the economic life of society, affecting the essence of the economy, forming qualitative structural changes in it. As a result, the digital economy is emerging as a subsystem of the traditional economy, which is characterized by the active use of digital technologies and the circulation of specific electronic goods. In our opinion, the features of corporate governance in the digital economy are based on its distinctive features, including: a high level of automation; electronic document management; electronic accounting systems; electronic data storage; using GRM, creating corporate social networks; the use of information and communication technologies in production, management, communication, entertainment; electronic payment systems within e-commerce and so on. In conclusion, the following conclusions can be formulated: the era of the digital economy is increasingly replacing the traditional one and forcing the management of enterprises to make decisions in favor of modern information technologies, since enterprises using digital innovations in their activities turn out to be more successful than those “lagging” in the “digital topic” ". It was determined that the role of the "new" economy in improving the efficiency of enterprise management is significant, and with the help of digitalization tools it makes sense to transform those processes that lend themselves to logical understanding and digital formalization.


Digital economy: new business opportunities

Digital economy: new business opportunities

Andreeva A.N., Mizova E.M.

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The article is devoted to the problems of adaptation of strategic management tools of the company to rapidly changing external environment caused by intensive development of digital economy. In this article the basic tendencies of change of digital business environment at macro-and micro level, questions of increase of efficiency of use of internal potential of the company, peculiarities of competitive struggle based on active use of information and communication technologies.


Digital-коммуникации как бизнес модель продвижения табачных изделий на примере ООО "Филипп Моррис Сейлз Энд Маркетинг"

Digital-коммуникации как бизнес модель продвижения табачных изделий на примере ООО "Филипп Моррис Сейлз Энд Маркетинг"

Кошелева Ю.О.

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В настоящее время темп жизни очень высок, поэтому потребителю очень важно своевременно и быстро получать нужную, полезную, а главное актуальную информацию, так как это этого зависит успешность продвижения нового товара или услуги на рынок и его дальнейший бизнес оборот. Сегодня появились решения, позволяющие решать данные задачи. В данной статье мы исследуем новые технологии. Актуальность темы высока не только в России, но и во всём мире, т.к. научных исследований по данной теме мало, и они разрозненны.


Direction in development of the payment system MIR

Direction in development of the payment system MIR

Levchenko T.V., Bych E.I.

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This article is devoted to the problem of development in the national system of payment cards, that is related to the need to protect the market of banking services in the Russian Federation. The analysis of the project connected with the introduction of cards Mir is given. The dynamics of the company’s revenue based on the calculations of the growth rate indicator for the period from 2016 to 2017 was analyzed. As a result of the analysis carried out by the author, a positive direction of the introduction of Mir cards was established.


Dynamic structural component of intellectual potential of the enterprise and its effective use for forming competitive advantages

Dynamic structural component of intellectual potential of the enterprise and its effective use for forming competitive advantages

Larin S.N., Lazareva L.Yu., Stebenyaeva T.V.

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The modern practice of production activities of enterprises from different economic branches shows that the existing intellectual potential becomes more and more important for its successful functioning in the market economy environment. With that for each enterprise, notwithstanding its sector profile, will to a great extent determine the effective interaction of all structural components. Just on that ground it is possible to generate competitive advantages of an enterprise, hence the obtaining of certain competitive advantages. The above mentioned confirms the high applicability of the topic of the research hereunder. The subject of the study was determined the dynamic structural component of the intellectual potential of an enterprise. The object of research were selected capabilities and possibilities of the operational transformation of the management structure and of production activities of an enterprise, influenced by changes of environmental factors. As a research method was selected the systemic analysis of the relative influence of changes of environmental factors and of the transformation of terms of production activities of an enterprise. The main result of the performed research is to substantiate the necessity of the dynamic structural component within the intellectual potential of an enterprise as one of determining of its successful functioning. Obtained results can be applied at enterprises of all branches of the Russian economics.


Dynamics of working time efficiency (on the example of the Belarusian economy)

Dynamics of working time efficiency (on the example of the Belarusian economy)

Makovskaya N.V., Chegerova T.I.

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The relevance of the category "working time" is also associated with the fact that the working time itself and the time of rest are associated with such institutions as wages and labor rationing, workload, labor discipline, and labor protection. It is necessary to provide an economic and legal justification for the regulation and formation of tools for the use of working time, both on the part of employees and on the part of employers. Consequently, the object of scientific research in the study of working time processes are socio-economic and labor relations concerning the formation and use of working time. The dynamics of the efficiency of using working time in the national economy makes it possible to determine the prospects for the growth of socio-economic development from the quality and quantity of the resource of labor and time used.


ESG инвестирование: тенденции развития "зеленого" финансирования в России

ESG инвестирование: тенденции развития "зеленого" финансирования в России

Кат С.А., Костенко Р.В.

Статья научная

Рынок ответственных инвестиций находится на стадии активного роста, что формирует новые вызовы и возможности для Российской Федерации. В этом направлении, в последние годы, проводятся активные исследования, в основном сосредоточенные в области зеленых финансов, играющие всё большее и большее значение в финансовом секторе. Россия находится на активной стадии интеграции культуры ответственного инвестирования, повышения прозрачности деятельности компании в практику ведения бизнеса. В статье рассмотрены тенденции развития зеленого финансирования в России.


ESG-принципы: объективная необходимость внедрения

ESG-принципы: объективная необходимость внедрения

Тахингов К.Х., Бисултанова А.А.

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Статья посвящена глобальным трендам современности - устойчивому развитию и ESG-принципам. Современные реалии сложились таким образом, что человечество стоит на грани экологической катастрофы. Человечество само сознательно подошло к тому факту, что отношение к планете следует изменить, необходимо перейти к принципам не только бережливого производства, но и восстановления уже нанесенного природе урона. Автором сделан вывод о том, что необходимость внедрения принципов нельзя отрицать, а также о том, что РФ отстает от развитых стран в мире по показателям внедрения ESG-принципов.


Economic and statistical analysis of employment and unemployment and evaluation of their impact on the premeditated bankruptcy of enterprises in the regions of Russia through balanced scorecard

Economic and statistical analysis of employment and unemployment and evaluation of their impact on the premeditated bankruptcy of enterprises in the regions of Russia through balanced scorecard

Utkin A.I.

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The article examines an economic and statistical analysis of employment and unemployment in the regions of Russia and identifies risk-forming factors that determine the occurrence of bankruptcy of enterprises with a damage in the labor potential of the population. An assessment of the impact of employment and unemployment factors on the premeditation of bankruptcy of commercial organizations at the regional level is carried out within the framework of the balanced scorecard concept. As a result of identification of regional trends of premeditated bankruptcy, the strategic prospects for maintaining the continuity of the enterprise’s activities are determined based on the analysis of bankruptcy according to the model of R.S. Saifullin and G.G. Kadykov.


Economic perspectives of using the model "University 3.0" in the education system of Uzbekistan

Economic perspectives of using the model "University 3.0" in the education system of Uzbekistan

Davlyatova G.M., Abdullaeva S.H.

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Nowadays one of the most important issues facing the sphere of higher education is the improvement of the quality and evaluation system of education, as well as the training of competitive personnel. This situation determines the relevance of the study and analysis of the normative-legal framework, which will reform the system of Higher Education, control, evaluate and ensure the quality of education in all aspects, both theoretically and practically. Accordingly, the issues such as universities’ active dimension to the development of the economy based on science, innovative methods in teaching, establishment an inalienable relationship with the entrepreneurial sphere, directly introduction the scientific research work carried out at the university into production are highlighted in the article.


Ecotourism - perspective in choice ecological rest

Ecotourism - perspective in choice ecological rest

Choguldurova E.K., Yusupova G.N., Choguldurov M.D.

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The article is devoted to the most attractive type of tourism for consumers today, both ecological and recreational. On the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, which has vast little-changed and untouched natural complexes, certain conditions are being formed for the development of these types of tourism. The article describes the experience of developing clusters in the field of nature-saving recreation in the Kyrgyz Republic. The authors in the article characterize the functions of ecological tourism and present various approaches to their classification: recreational, educational, environmental and economic functions of ecological tourism and analyze their specifics.


Effect of sanctions on the Russian economy

Effect of sanctions on the Russian economy

Kislov D.S., Martyanov V.A.

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This article considers the influence of the sanctions on the different branches of economy. It gives a detailed analysis of the aftermaths of the sanctions and the ways of solution these problems by government.


Escrow accounts as a new transaction instrument

Escrow accounts as a new transaction instrument

Yudin A.V.

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The article deals with the modern instrument of transactions - escrow account taking into account its development in the real estate market. The result of using the escrow system is researched. The main tasks are to consider the escrow mechanism of accounts and comparing it with other banking instruments. The research includes the study of the consequences of the transition to a new system in the real estate market. Advantages and disadvantages of using escrow accounts are defined.

