“Kind and noble Anna Grigoryevna...” (V. V. Rozanov and A. G. Dostoevskaya. On the 100th anniversary of the memory of V. V. Rozanov)

Автор: Lomonosov A.V.

Журнал: Христианское чтение @christian-reading

Рубрика: Философские науки

Статья в выпуске: 6 (89), 2019 года.

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The article is based on the data of V. V. Rozanov's archives and Dostoevsky archives in Department of manuscripts of the Russian State Library. The materials used personal correspondence with the widow of the writer A. G. Dostoevsky and V. V. Rozanov (1893-1911) designed to reveal relationship of its members to maximum fullness. Rozanov's articles with a high assessment of the creative contribution of the widow of the Russian genius to the preservation of the memory of F. M. Dostoevsky are given. It is revealed with what delicacy V. V. Rozanov treated various attacks of critics on intervention in practical Affairs of the widow of the writer. Participation of Rozanov in the publication of the last Chapter from F. M. Dostoevsky novel “Demons” which the author didn't see printed during life is noted. For the first time the participation of A. G. Dostoevsky in facilitating the legal status of children of V. V. Rozanov from the second marriage is considered in detail. Attracted memories S. N. Durylin «In his corner» to understand the ontological significance for V. V. Rozanov to create a family with V. D. Butyagin. The question of the relevance of traditional family relations in the life of the philosopher is raised.


V. v. rozanov, a. g. dostoevsky, a. p. suslov, s. n. durylin, correspondence, genius, family values, first marriage, marriage in psychopathology, law on illegitimate children

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140246767

IDR: 140246767

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