The dynamics of changes in psychological status in the process of psychotherapy in the complex psycho-rehabilitation of patients with neurotic disorders

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The high prevalence of neurotic disorders, their recurrent course, leading to a decrease in the quality of life and working capacity, impaired adaptation in society, determine the relevance of the study. Objective: to study the dynamics of changes in the psychological status of patients with neurotic disorders under the influence of comprehensive rehabilitation measures with the inclusion of the method of psychotherapy “Heterosuggestive psycho-muscular relaxation with positive emotional emagination for recovery" (GSPMR). Materials and methods: the study included 104 patients undergoing inpatient treatment at the Clinical Hospital of the Russian Railways - “Medicine" of the city of Krasnoyarsk, Private Health Care Institution. The average age of the patients was 42.3±9.7 years. All examined patients took traditional therapy with an additional connection of the psychotherapeutic technique of the GSPMR, courses of 15 sessions, lasting 1 hour. To assess the condition of patients, a clinical-follow-up method and an experimental psychological examination were used...


Stressful situations, neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders, psychotherapy, psychological testing, comprehensive rehabilitation

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IDR: 142223391   |   DOI: 10.26617/1810-3111-2020-1(106)-89-96

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