Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos on Croatsin early medieval Southern Pannonia (DAI, C. 30, 75-78): a note on concept and method of Byzantine history writing

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The paper endeavours to discuss anew a scholarlypuzzle related to the Croatian early Middle Ages and centred on a few lines from Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos’s De administrando imperio , which in English translation are as follows: And of the Croats who arrived to Dalmatia one part separated and ruled Illyricum and Pannonia. And they also had an independent ruler who was sending envoys, though only to the ruler of Croatia from friendship . Taking a different approach from the complete dismissal of the two sentences as a pure fiction or a mere literary device, the paper instead attempts to trace the concept behind this account as well as its underlying meaning. On the one hand, it seeks to detect the methods or strategies used by the royal compiler in trying to elucidate the past. On the other hand, it aims to provide a thorough historical analysis and offer a possible interpretation in opposition to the view, still largely extant in the Croatian scholarship, that this account is an evidence for an early presence of the group called Croats in southern Pannonia.


De administrando imperio, croats, southern pannonia, source analysis, migrations, earlymedieval identity and ethnicity

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149131777   |   DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu4.2020.6.2

Список литературы Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos on Croatsin early medieval Southern Pannonia (DAI, C. 30, 75-78): a note on concept and method of Byzantine history writing

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