Consolidation model of powder magnetic materials

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Known models of deformation processes of powder materials in a die compaction are based on a decision of partial differential equilibrium equations. This paper presents the mathematical model of the die powder compaction process which is based on the decision of partial differential equations of motion. The equations for an elastic-plastic isotropic powder hardening material are used as rheological ones. A quasi-continuous powder medium has an irreversible volumetric and shear deformation. Numerical calculations of the die compaction are fulfilled for ferrite, Sm-Co, Nd-Fe-B magnets using Lagrange’s method by means of the difference scheme of continuous calculation of Wilkins’ type. Boundary conditions are assigned by a friction low on lateral surfaces of the die. Pressed articles have the form of rings.


Powder, magnetic materials, mathematical model, die, density, velocity, equation of motion

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IDR: 147157124   |   DOI: 10.14529/met180106

Список литературы Consolidation model of powder magnetic materials

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