Digitalization of banking services in the transition to Industry 4.0 on the example of remote mortgages

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Purpose: To study of digitalization of banking services in the transition to remote mortgage transactions and the formation of legal regulation of digitalization of banking services that is impossible without fixing approaches to identification that should protect against fraud and increase the availability of its use by users. Methodology: Dialectical research method, which involves a comprehensive and objective study of the phenomenon, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis was used. Results: Coronacrisis the beginning of 2020 has become a powerful catalyst in speeding up the formation of conditions for transition to industry 4.0., having formed the sharp increase in demand for digitalization of all services, including banking, which forced the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to take urgent measures, including through the effective abolition of liability for violation of statutory requirements for the personal presence of people when opening accounts, which allowed banks to begin remote execution of mortgage loans. The formation of legal regulation of digitalization of banking services is impossible without fixing new approaches to identification and making changes to the legislation on countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism. Novelty/originality/value: Article has a high scientific value, since it defines digitalization as an innovation in the banking system associated with the transition to remote transaction conclusion and consideration of approaches to identification and amendments to the legislation on combating fraud.


Digitalization, banking services, industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution, coronocrisis, mortgage lending, remote mortgage lending, electronic digital signature, identity identification

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IDR: 140250431

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