Branding and territorial development in tourism: interaction with Mass media and a consumer

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Article reveals problems, methods and technologies of cooperation between travel industry and mass media, multiplicative effect of this cooperation projected to consumers, describes the ways of implementation of the experience of foreign National travel organizations at Russian travel market in order to develop domestic tourism in Russia. All-encompassing cooperation between organizations related to tourism at all levels and mass media is an effective means of brand / regions promotion to increase the awareness, recognizability and consumer engagement. Its methods tested and proven by foreign tourism organizations representing brands / regions of their countries in Russia, and have adapted to the specifics of the domestic market. Currently, an absolute majority Russian brands / regions in tourism do not use the possibilities of exactly a comprehensive work to promote: they conduct a one-time, and as a result, not enough effective action, or do not have the possibility of long-term planning and vision of development strategies. Foreign organizations reached the spectacular success in attracting Russian tourists to their countries as a result of the work at domestic market during the fifteen years. The experience of Western partners, acting in the interests of their countries in Russia, demonstrates that brand / regions promotion in tourism not always requires huge investments. Promotion of brand / region in tourism, of course, needs a budget, but its usage can be far more effective in cooperation with professionals in the field of working with the media and social networks, as well as a application of strategic approach, comprehensive cooperation with the media. This article is based on the experience gained through co-operation with a lot of foreign companies in 1999-2015 in the process of creation of television programs "Their manners" (NTV) and "Around the World" (RTR).


Mass media, tourism, cooperation, promotion

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IDR: 14057981   |   DOI: 10.12737/

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