The "painful issues" and the internal political situation of the Far Eastern Republic, 1920-1922

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Drawing on archival sources, the article presents the analysis of the internal political situation in the Far Eastern Republic during the period from the end of 1920 to the fall of 1922. The author focuses on the “painful issues” the new government faced. It was supposed that the authorities of the Far Eastern Republic would ensure the functioning of the administrative system, liberate the Far East from the White Guards and interventionists, provide the army and the population with food and essential goods. However, the heavy pressure of cart conscription, taxes and grain procurement on the population caused the inflaming of the internal political situation in the republic. It resulted in the increasing opposition and growth of peasant and Cossack resistance to the demands of the authorities, which took various forms.


Far eastern republic, russian civil war, internal political situation, regional administrations, food crisis, grain procurements, taxes, mobilization, banditry

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170175965   |   DOI: 10.24866/1997-2857/2020-4/51-62

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