Analysis of level of handball players of sports perfection group's physical readiness when entering specialized university

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The article analyses the indicators of general and special physical preparation of graduates of SSHOR on handball according to unified tests of VSPEA when entering the specialized higher education institutions. When entering higher education institutions at entrance examinations, the applicant performs control standards to determine the level of his integral training, as during the study the student takes part in various competitions and the process of mastering disciplines consists of a theoretical and practical part. Knowledge of the level of physical preparation will allow to predict further possibilities of growth of sports skill. The problem of effectiveness of competitive activity depends directly on the level of indicators of physical and functional preparation of players in handball. In the training process numerous tasks, related to physical development of special qualities, expansion of variability of the arsenal of techniques of the game, psychological and moral-will training are solved. This is facilitated by systematized, complex training: theoretical, psychological, physical, technical, tactical and game.


Handball, level of preparation, tests, preparation

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IDR: 140250161

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