Accounting of ecosystem services in the resource efficiency assessment of specially protected natural territories of the Komi Republic

Автор: Tikhonova Tatyana V., Schenyavskii Vitalii A.

Журнал: Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast @volnc-esc-en

Рубрика: Environmental economics

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.14, 2021 года.

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One of the integral methods for assessing resource efficiency is the adjustment of net savings. It happens due to many indicators, including the assessment of specially protected natural territories. The author’s opinion is associated with the assessment of tourism activities at these sites and consideration of the value of regulating ecosystem territories’ services. The objectives of the study are the identification of approaches and assessment of protected areas; selection of “profitable” ecosystem services in regional protected areas; and submission of proposals for the effective usage of these territories. The calculation involves a combination of two methods: assessment of the gross value added of tourist destinations in protected areas and the value of regulatory ecosystem services. Tourism efficiency from the position of creating value chains destinations reflects the rate of gross value added, which is calculated as the difference between the proceeds from sales of tourist services entities and their material costs. To determine the economic value of regulatory services, the methods of market indirect assessment and compensation costs were used. During the calculation of ecosystem services, we selected those with beneficiaries located in the region. Increasing efficiency of facilities requires conditions for the development of recreation and new activities. These conditions are shown in the strengthening of interaction between administrations of protected areas with service companies that provide a quality factor of infrastructure, availability of facilities and food services. The economic contribution of specially protected natural areas from the usage of regulating ecosystem services and tourist and recreational activities amounted to 20.4 billion rubles, or 3.2% of gross regional product, in 2018. The proposed approach allows us to show the socio-economic and environmental contribution of specially protected natural areas to the economy of the Komi Republic.


Gross regional product, gross value added, monetary value assessment, specially protected natural areas, tourist destinations, ecosystem services

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IDR: 147225513   |   DOI: 10.15838/esc.2021.1.73.8

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