About safety during landing aircraft of the helicopter type on unprepared ground

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In the article the peculiarities landing a helicopter on a snowy (dusty) area and analysis the security when boarding an aircraft of the helicopter type on unprepared ground. Conditions insufficient visibility when landing in this way are one of the key problems. Since when landing on snow-covered or dry ground because the air jet from the rotor of the helicopter rises solid suspension, which critically reduces the horizontal and vertical visibility and can lead to an incorrect assessment by the crew the spatial position of the helicopter relative to the ground, in addition, unnoticed can remain obstacles in the landing zone (large stones, movable and stationary objects). In addition, when there is insufficient light or adverse weather conditions in the landing zone can be buildings, structures, masts power lines, trees, bushes, etc. Security analysis showed that the aircraft landing helicopters on unprepared ground is a serious problem. The solutions in the field synthetic vision technologies, for the safe landing of the helicopter, which allow to form a three-dimensional image the landing zone through a snow or dusty vortex, lidar (laser location), W-band radars and other developments, are outlined. The materials the article are practical value to specialists dealing with the issues of helicopter landing in remote forest, mountainous areas, the Arctic zone, etc.


Safe landing, landing of the helicopter, unprepared platform, blind landing

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/146281386

IDR: 146281386   |   DOI: 10.17516/1999-494X-0172

Список литературы About safety during landing aircraft of the helicopter type on unprepared ground

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  • Анализ состояния безопасности полетов в гражданской авиации Российской Федерации в первом полугодии 2014 года. Управление инспекции по безопасности полетов Федерального агентства воздушного транспорта Российской Федерации. [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://special.komimtuvt.ru/d/1905788/d/analiz-bp-v-pervom-polugodii-2014-goda(1).pdf - Заглавие с экрана.
  • Вихри враждебные. Ассоциация вертолетной индустрии / В.Ф. карпов: [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://www.aviaport.ru/digest/2009/02/17/ 167033.html - Заглавие с экрана.
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