A Comprehensive Mechanism of MANET Network Layer Based Security Attack Prevention

Автор: Mahaboob Sharief Shaik, Fahad Mira

Журнал: International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies @ijwmt

Статья в выпуске: 1 Vol.10, 2020 года.

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The infrastructure benefits, which are achieved from the MANET architecture is the prime reason for the increase in usage for various purposes. The MANET architecture is made truly seamless with the capabilities of working without the central base stations or without the intervention of the central administration. The architecture for a MANET network is highly diversified and completely depends on the formation as the nodes in the MANET network can roam freely with a subsequent connection to any external device or any external networks. Yet another primary benefit of these devices and the networks are operability of the networks and the nodes without any human interventions. This property of the MANET network nodes makes the MANET devices operable in extreme conditions, where the human interventions are nearly impossible. In spite of these uncountable benefits, the MANET networks and the devices, which are part of the networkare always subjected to attacks from various sources. In this work, the attacks types for each network layer are identified and addressed to be prevented. The measures listed in this work are convertible as a modular component of any automated framework to make the complete attack prevention mechanism automated


MANET, MANET Layers, MANET Attacks, Attack Prevention, Selfishness, Rushing, Routing table overflow, BlackHole, Jamming

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/15017172

IDR: 15017172   |   DOI: 10.5815/ijwmt.2020.01.04

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