1917: ideal, illusion or reality of freedom?

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The revolution of 1917 consisted of several stages. Each of them acted in a variety of social forces, between which the General was only one - the desire for freedom, to the development of democracy in Russia. But between the participants and contemporaries of the revolution was not agreement on what is necessary to achieve their ideals, and democracy itself is understood in different ways. This article is devoted to the complexity of the trends that shaped the general revolution after the overthrow of the monarchy and the creation of the first revolutionary state and public structures. The article shows that the fall of the monarchy was for most people in Russia important test, since nothing animated the people were faced with the need for dramatic rethinking established ways of life, axiological coordinates and political views. Is it a result of the revolutionary changes of the freest country in the world, as has been said many participants in the events of 1917? Or the country is flooded, the Second Russian (Red) confusion, as claimed by their opponents, and otherwise perceive what is happening around them with the country and people? The author comes to a paradoxical conclusion, that its right was both sides, as the revolutionary processes generated in the country is not only a wave of unrestrained ochlocratic liberties, but the creative desire of different social groups, began to create their own institutions of self-organization and selfgovernment. It is in the rapid growth of civil society institutions, the author sees the democratic potential of the revolution in 1917 and called it the revolution of self-government.


Revolution, turmoil, monarchy, autocracy, democracy, civil institutions, workers'' organizations, self-government, state

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14951851

IDR: 14951851   |   DOI: 10.17748/2075-9908-2017-9-5/2-38-44

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